Friday, September 19, 2008

Week 1 of Chemo - FINISHED.

The chemo pills were switched from 3 pills in 5 days to 1 pill over 15 days - M - F. Week one is finished. Thank you Jesus that I've not experienced any real side effects. I'm praying that my body stays strong during this time and that the radiation and chemo go directly to the source and rid my body of all cancer and leave my body 100% cancer free. Their is no radiation on the weekend either however both radiation and chemo continue to work even on the days that I'm not receiving the treatment. I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend with family.


113 said...

Yes! Thank you Jesus!!!

Enjoy your weekend with your family!

Did you know this is the first weekend since your return from Thailand that I will not see you? I'm sad and I agree with you with some reservation. :) I will honor your request and get some rest too! :)

Sending my love!!!

Marcelle said...

Oh, how you have evolved. Your strength and faith is an inspiration to all. Continue to look to God for strength as He will help you shoulder this burden. May you continue to look to family and friends for love and support. Your journey continues...
With much love and many prayers,
Marcelle and family

Margaret Chaidez said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You have always overcome difficulty with grace and I am sure God will help you on this journey. You are strong, you will beat this and you are a survivor.

bad day mama said...

Janice-- As you can tell, you've been an important part of many people's lives, going back to the earliest years. We're praying for you and I so admire your faith. It's a precious thing to have, and to hold to one's heart. It will sustain you!
- Lynn