Saturday, September 6, 2008


The headaches persist enough to be a nuisance. My doctor has prescribed me with Norco. Is it just me or does anyone else think that there is kick back to the doctors who push this pill? Hmmm... Anyhoot. I hate meds but not as much as I hate the pain; I'm back on Norco. Laying down creates the most pain for me so last night I slept with the bed up and I was pretty much pain free :) I woke at 4:45 with a pain level of 5 (0 - no pain, 10 - only pain) and took 2 and I'm feeling better, pain level, 0. Back to the nuisance part - starting the treatment may be delayed or changed. I'm not sure but they said the headaches need to be under control. My concern is that controlling the symptoms is not getting me to the root of why the headaches persist. I wish people cared more about the cause of problems than they cared about the symptoms.

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