Monday, September 1, 2008

Love Does That.

Love takes you to the ER room. Love changes evening plans to meet you at the ER. Love takes time off work to be there for you after your surgery. Love sits by your side when you have nothing to give. Love believes in you. Love hugs. Love calls just to leave a message. Love braids your hair. Love brings you flowers. Love prays. Love prays with you. Love spends the weekend. Love comes back to the hospital in the middle of the night so you don't have to endure the pain alone. Love eats hospital cafeteria food. Love treats you to Wendy's. Love reads to you. Love sings for you. Love teaches you how to knit. Love visits, call, writes, and txts. Love cries. Love laughs. Love makes thing happen that you are eternally grateful for. Love picks up your mail. Love brings you your favorite picture. Love brings you Lou Malnati's spinach pizza. Love shops for healthy food for you. Love lets you be you. Love gives you thoughtful gifts that make you smile. Love brings you blueberries. Love cooks for you. Love takes care of you as it would a baby but treats you like a lady. Love plays Racko with you in the bathroom. Love celebrates all your victories. Love gives you a place to stay. Love loves. Love does all that, and more. I love you back.

1 comment:

cousin boby said...

you got a great sis , and bro, in law.

love ya