Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Gamma Knife Surgery.

Is the name of the procedure I started today. It's a strange name for RT. There is no knife, it simply direct RT to the tumors. On day one of RT they create a mesh mask of my face which today the snapped me under to hold my face TIGHT to insure the precision of the treatment. When I put the mask on I asked the RT tech how do I breath - he told me slowly! Good advise. I breathed slowly. The process is only a few minutes and bearable - I have 4 days of this and my RT is done.

1 comment:

113 said...

Hmmmmm.... that experience sounds like they could be a prep for a position on the hockey team. Perhaps goalie. It's almost that time of year. :)

I'm proud of you! Just a few more days. :)