Thursday, September 4, 2008

TMI: Otherwise known as an overshare :)

For Mature Audiences Only, reader beware. One big part of my body's rehabilitation is gaining control of my "voids" AKA: pee and dinkies. While recovering from the surgery they had a folly attached to my bladder which basically means I pee without thinking into a lovely bag and the nurse comes in and changes it as needed. Nice in theory except that my bladder became lazy and would need to be retrained AND the location of the surgery at L2 and L4 also effects control of that area. All that to say, sitting on the toilet for 15 minute to pee only 200ml is a chore :( Last night I was hopeful of a good pee and instead to my great surprise I dinkied!! Great news, yes? However, I didn't feel it! Feeling that I have to go and feeling when I'm going will be a great victory! I was peeing more at the hospital but not so much at all since being here. Could be the change of meds; on and off the steroids, not really sure. But not peeing is not good. Which means I get drained with a strait cat (drains the pee in me at that time). There are so many challenges in front of me and this has been a continuing battle for me. Overshare as it may completes the big picture for the curious reader!


Anonymous said...

thats was hillarious, , nothin wrong with tmi. it almost always ends up funny as hell
see ya again soon

Eve said...

oooohhh fun! all the things we take for granted... eh? Thanks for the TMI!

Abby said...

Janice, I LOVE YOU. You remind me of me. I would have left the same sort of info, but I wouldn't have been lady-like about it... I would have said "I took a crap...Hooray!:)"

Thanks for teaching me a new word. I'm off to use it.