Monday, September 22, 2008

"I'll give you something to cry about."

In other words, things could always be worse. Today was more challenging than other day in regards to my energy which seems to decrease with the chemo. That could be enough to cry about, yes? But the worse is this unexplainable discomfort in my left arm that starts with pins and needles in my hand with shooting sharp pains in my forearm and bicep. This pain is enough to interrupt the desire I had to rest this evening and I fear a restless night is in front of me :( If arm didn't hurt than I could deal with the lack of energy...but really? I'm sure I'd be crying over something else... boo, hoo, hoo.


Anonymous said...

Janice, I'll be praying for you. Love, Amy Willuweit Schmerold

Unknown said...

We will pray that you recover some energy and that this arm pain ceases.

autumn21 said...

Janice, I'm making sure this works! Please bear w/me. Denese

autumn21 said...

Janice, I think of you often & was heartbroken when I received a msg. from Michelle regarding your illness. I tried not to cry, but couldn't stop. You'll be in my thoughts & prayers every day. I miss you! & We all love you! It's been way too long since we spoke and or saw each other, I only know that I miss having you in my life, & you make me a better person. Stay strong and think positive thoughts o.k.?