Friday, September 26, 2008

Hot wheels.

I have to admit that I have been challenges with getting acquainted with the wheelchair. Which means getting out and about in a wheelchair is so foreign to me that I've practically succumb to not going out. All that to say that tonight, I'm taking the hot wheels out and going to see Jim Brinkman in concert. This I'm sure of - my comfort zone will be stretched and the stretching will open my zone for more opportunities.


Unknown said...

So PROUD of you!

Laurie said...

Dan is excited for tonight. Enjoy your night and weekend. Take your wheels, lift your arms and zoooom with that sweet smile that you and Dan share. You are a inspiration to me with all of your courage and your positive words. May god be with you.

Anonymous said...

janice go for it , and live well, its all about the good time .i always belive that so go have a good time

Jackie R. said...

I hope you had fun at the concert! - way to go -- I am also proud of you and inspired by your courage and spirit!

Joyous said...

Janice - You are so open and full of love and faith. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts/journey with us. You are a powerful woman, loving friend, and amazing facilitator. A true inspiration. Hope you had a great night out - hot stuff:)

Jan said...

Eve stole my...You go girl! :) It's like that being trapped in your little box theory...remember?

Jan said...

Was gonna say that too...You go girl! This reminds me of your getting out of your box theory...remember? Hope the concert was a blast :)

Unknown said...


I just got a message from Amy Willuweit that you are battling cancer. My prayers will be with you from my corner of the world. I am now in Cairo, Egypt. I have been a Presbyterian pastor since 1995 and am here now as a church consultant.

Peter Oh (class of '87)

Janice Borndahl said...

Hello Peter!
Very cool that you are in Egypt!! Thanks for reaching out all the way back to me :)