Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 1 of Radiaton.

The radiation staff at Lutheran General set standards that I'm afraid no one can match. Bill, "the radiation guy" lacks personality but hopefully not skill. He's this big Frankenstein kind of man. He asked me if I could life myself from the wheelchair to the bed for the treatment and when I told him no I need to be lifted (the bed was much higher than the chair) he told me he couldn't do it because he has a bad back. she comes to save the day! Cathy had to come and lift me over. Hilarious! Not much else to report from the radiation.


Eve said...

2nd opinions anyone? =O

Let's pray for skill for sure!

Jackie R. said...

praying for skills and miracles!

anne said...

God bless you, Janice!! I love your sense of humor! You are in our daily thoughts and prayers. thank you for your updates. I personally think Bill should look for a new line of work. we are praying for you!! You are a gift! from Pat's sister

KerriLiu said...

My dear Janice, I just found out from Jackie about what has been going on in your life. I have read some of your beautiful words and your graceful perspective, I feel so blessed by you. Thank you so much for sharing your life! love you friend!


koi supercampthai said...

god bless you janice
i hope this treatment will work for you

don't give up yet ok
i will be waiting for your return to thailand in some day

remember how energetic you are
so you got alot of energy to pass through this so keep fighting

i'll pray for you

love and miss you alot

koi supercampthai

houseofkells said...

Hi Janice,
Our continued prayers and thoughts!
Mike and Kate Kelley