Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chemo - An Update.

My chemo therapy starts tomorrow and lasts 5 days; the bill however will last much longer. The chemo is in an easy pill form however the prescription cost $2500.00 (insurance paid $400). I'm hopeful that my insurance will reimburse me for more later. Continued trust in God is what I need :) The radiologist suggests that the 15 pills that are prescribed for 5 days (3x a day) will be more beneficial taking over a 15 day period. I'm feeling this will be less of a shock to my system. I took the first pill this morning (Monday). Please join me in prayer that my body stays stronger than any possible side effects and that the chemo attacks the cells that bear the cancer.


Eve said...

I was wondering how everything is going. Seems to be a lot to deal with as each day comes and gos. Remember what you have already said. Each day has worry enough for itself... I love you! Perhaps we should do some kind of fund raiser for you! =)Not fun for you to think about I'm sure. I hope it was good to see who you saw this past week. Know that you are being prayed for and thought of even as we are on vacation!

Anne Black said...

I was also thinking about fundraising, but as I looked up some info about it on Google, they warned about how it affects other things... for instance, taxes. So we just have to be sure we know what we are doing before we fundraise. Also, social security disability is something I can help you look into, unless its already being worked on. Hey Eve- maybe a casino night fundraiser! :)

Unknown said...

I believe God has as much faith in you as you have in him. I think he only dishes out these hurdles to people that can truly handle them. You are doing great so keep up the good work. You are always in our prayers!

anne said...

Janice, you are in our prayers and thoughts today! God bless you

Jackie R. said...

You got the prayers coming from us for sure! strength, healing, miracles... strength, healing, miracles... I hope such good things for you my friend. Keep us posted... often in my thoughts, always in my prayers.

Jan said...

Thinking of you today little missy and praying for complete healing and NO side effects!

Love ya lots!