Tuesday, September 16, 2008


"But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done is secret, will reward you." Mathew 6:3 -4 Pat, my brother-in-law handed me my one piece of mail today and joked that it was a slow mail day for me. But when I opened the one card it was by far a slow mail day. In the envelope was a anonymous check for $2500.00 made out to me to cover the cost of chemotherapy. The experience of one persons generosity could only bring me to tears of gratitude, awe, and wonder...my tears were all I could communicate as I looked at the check and was speechless. What does a recipient do for the anonymous donor? How do I thank someone for their secret giving? The words Thank You could never be enough. May our Heavenly Father reward you for what you have done in secret; you deserve all His blessings and I pray for His generosity to flow freely on you.


Anne Black said...

Outstanding!! You are loved!!

Anne Black said...

Another thought...remember the man who was so rude in the airport? And the lady pushing your wheelchair said, "SOME people are like that". Well, SOME people are like this! Halleluia for the good people!

Anonymous said...

janice thats awesome . glad things worked out like that , its a total blessing.i have complete faith you will pull out of this
luv ys

Unknown said...

God's prayers are answered in mysterious ways. You are blessed and loved by many. It is wonderful that someone had the heart and financial ability to help with this. God bless this person for easing the financial burden. NOW, just concentrate on getting better! Positive thinking brings positive results.

Eve said...

Simply Beautiful.

Jan said...

I was SO happy when I read this before I went to bed last night that I could hardly sleep! Praise God!!!

113 said...

A BEAUTIFUL testimony of God's provision in answer to faithful prayer and graditude for His grace. I too, say, "THANK YOU!" to the person(s) who responded to the movement of the Spirit of God in meeting this need.

Janice, you are BEAUTIFUL. You are loved by me!

Unknown said...

i told your sister to give you a kiss from me..if she forgets...remind her! I miss you!

Elizabeth said...

Hey Janice!

I heard that Jen emailed you, and hope that we can visit you soon!! :)
-Elizabeth (from BIC)

Jackie R. said...

wow. wow. wow.
How awesome! I am so happy for you and join in the chorus of grateful hearts and thank you's to anonymous. Press on Janice. Love you!