Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Power and Patience.

He's got the Power; I need the patience. AND I will not let my need for patience with His timing take away my knowing that He can heal my body at any moment.


Unknown said...


Your strength inspires me. I am thankful that God brought you and Dan together.

Sisters in Christ!


B said...

Hello my friend!

Thank you for showing me what it looks like to be a person living and breathing for Christ, with much, much authenticity. I see Colossians 1:10-12 when I see you.

Love you much my friend :)


maxieharper said...

You have never stopped being in my heart and you are now in my PRAYERS bit time!!
Remember that crazy time when Kevin sat on the chair in South Africa LOL!! Do you stil have them I wonder....
God is BIG! Praise Jesus for what HE is doing and what HE did for us!!
I will always love you!

cousin boby said...

hi janice
when karen was in the hospital, i had no choice but to belive she was going to be ok, KEEPIN THE PRAYER ALIVE ,. sorry can't take credit for that , that was karens saying but any way just wanted you to know your in our prayers every day......... you always have been
love you
cousin bobby

MadnessParadis said...

HI Janice - I knew you had a strong faith, but this just illustrates the depth of your conviction. Sharing it brings hope to people like me of lesser faith that we can continue to grow in that dimension of our lives. I am available when you are ready to go for a walk.


Janice Borndahl said...

Julie - you can't be as thankful as I am :)

B - thanks for seeing that in me!

Lauren - I do still have the 1 chair, ha! The chess table too but the legs never really fit the top...but they are still fun for me :)

Bobby - Cathy is mad at you because you wrote on the blog before she did! How was your 4th party?

Matt - I don't know what to say. I'm encouraged by your encouragement to me; I'm just me. If you're feeling a tug at your heart, that's God :)

maxieharper said...

Hello my dear sweet bubbly Janice--I always think of bubbles when I think of you because your personality and presence always LIFTS everyone up! I do hope you will let us know when you are up for visitors. I would love to come and see you soon.
I can't imagine how it is for you right now, but worse would be if you didn't have CHRIST in your life! Glory be to HIM--bring honor and glory to HIM! Keep looking up and feel HIS presence all around you!
Warmly IN HIM,