Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Visitors Welcome.

Just some thoughts about these last 4 weeks. My heart flows with gratitude towards every person who keeps me in thought and prayer. I believe I mentioned earlier my answer to the social workers question regarding who I have in my life that supports me and without hesitation I answered that I don't have anyone in my life that doesn't support me. Without this present trial and the opportunity for all of my world to show up show big for me, how would I have answered that? I learned a lesson when I was very young from my father regarding the tradition of giving Christmas gifts. Why do we use so much energy to find the perfect Christmas gift when the other 364 are just as valid gift giving days? The lyrics to this song sing to that lesson. Don't Save it all for Christmas Day (Peter Zizzo, Ric Wake, Celine Dion) Don't get so busy that you miss Giving just a little kiss To the ones you love Don't even wait a little while To give them just a little smile A little is enough How many people are crying How many people are dying How many people are asking for love So don't save it all for Christmas day Find a way To give a little love everyday Don't save it all for Christmas day Find your way' Cause holidays have come and gone But loves lives on If you give on Love... How could you wait another minute A hug is warmer when you're in it And baby that's a fact And saying "I love you"'s always better Seasons, reasons, they don't matter So don't hold back How many people in this world So needful in this world How many people in this world So needful in this world How many people are praying for love So don't save it all for Christmas day Find a way To give a little love everyday Don't save it all for Christmas day Find your way' Cause holidays have come and gone But loves lives on If you give on Love... Let all the children know Everywhere that they go Their whole life long Let them know love So don't save it all for Christmas day Find a way To give a little love everyday Don't save it all for Christmas day Find your way' Cause holidays have come and gone But loves lives on If you give on Love... Love... All that to say, share the love that overflows from your heart abundantly with all the people around you everyday. Visitors welcome? In between your thoughts and prayers for me -- search out Visitors Welcome signs hanging from the hearts of your family and friends. In your absence from visiting and thinking about me know that our God is restoring my strength and energy. I pray His strength and energy equally surround you! Be free!

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