Monday, August 25, 2008

Evaluations and Introductions.

Friday was my first day in the rehab wing at LGH and various staff showed up earning their keep here at the hospital. The mix between them doing their job and me knowing who I was just one month ago is humbling and somewhat humiliating. The neuropsychologist I'm sure has a point to say but I don't remember it being important. When I talked about my faith she did reply "Oh that works for a lot of people"...hmm. Another girl came in from the neurology department and held a pencil for me to identify, a watch, asked me what season it was, what hospital I was in (that one I almost failed...this hospital tour of mine has me confused). I believe I passed that evaluation (if passing was my goal). On Saturday I met with the speech therapist and she asked me to write checks, log it in a register, identify a stapler, describe a picture, recall the states in 60 seconds, who the president is...and so on...I said Clinton...where have I been for 8 years? Luckily my political ignorance didn't hinder my passing. For the record I did correct myself :). The reason for meeting with her is because the effect of the "floaties" cancer cells in my brain fluid and my drooping right side of my face. On Sunday my OT had me reach out to her and grab 6 inch plastic rings from one hand and place them on a ring holder. This seemingly easy task is difficult for me because my body doesn't recognize that I have legs to keep me balanced. I was able to share this weekend with I long for weekends on my deck with the Good Word, coffee and the gentle whisper from the swaying trees. Needless to say this is life now. We visited with Ed Y on Friday for a bit; Cindy, Lisa and DJ on Saturday afternoon and Ray and Jeanne spiced up my menu with pizza from Lou Malnati's...yum! There are many things that challenge my spirit through out the day and mostly I just want to sleep. The "floaties" take away from the simple pleasures, I don't know how to explain it. OH ... but in my PT evaluation I was asked to read an eye chart where I apparently have close to 20 / 16 vision...that was fun to read the last line on the chart :)


Eve said...

Floaties? Sounds funny but I am POSITIVE are not.

Yes Yes all those questions have a purpose even though you think they are crazy ;) I always thought it is weird that they don't explain why they ask least afterward. Time probably. Or they forget/or don't know what it is like to be a patient.

I wish for so much better for you. I am sorry that this move has been so horrifying. I am glad you got to go outside! Yeah!

I read Anne's comment the other day and screamed YES! Let's stand guard and not let any one or any thing hurt or hinder you. I guess I have to just pray rather than DO. But remember I am just a call away. Ready to DO whatever and whenever you want...

I pray for peace, courage and hope! Oh yes and shrinking / disappearing floaties and bad C cells.

I love you!

Jan said...

Today I'm praying for total healing and nice nurses! I miss you and wish I could hold your hand or make you a margarita ;) Girl's Night at LG! Anne bring the guac and I'll bring the BIG cookie!

Love ya lots,