Friday, August 22, 2008

Sugar and Cancer?

Not one person in the hospital has ever heard of the correlation and today when I asked Laurel about it she told me with a somewhat smug smirk that she doesn't believe it, she had nothing else to add, that was it. I believe that doctors don't know everything.


Eve said...

What's supposed to be the correlation? Just remember there is a difference between correlation and causation. Doctors usually know may know the stats and that there is not 'proof' of causation but it seems to have a real high correlation of things going on with two items like sugar and cancer making it seem as if one may cause the other. Sorry...

So whats the story on sugar and cancer? I'm going to look it up right now.

Anne Black said...

Everytime I go to my email, I go to your blog, like I'm craving more of you... the next episode. Gotta check once more before bed...And only to have my heart sink again- I wish you would get some good news! I wish I could be your nurse and make sure no one was ever treating you carelessly. Keep it coming though, I want to know everything. I wish I could take it for you... split up the pain. You are so brave. LOve you. Anne