Wednesday, August 27, 2008

OT & PT.

Things I bring to the therapy table are my desire for my body to return to it's healthy strong state AND the "floaties" (floating cancer cells around in the brain fluid), legs that don't work...and a somewhat resigned attitudes towards the work they are doing. Most half hour sessions start five minutes late then take four minutes to start. We toss a few balls, lift a three pound dumb bell then make small talk. The OT or PT think for a minute ... hmm...what should we do come to the decision to repeat what we just did then we're done....usually 5 minutes early. My resignation towards their service is not going to help me reach my physical goals however what it has done has made me have to be proactive about my recovery. This morning I danced to Shakira and others for over hour (in my mind and heart that is). The visualization was wonderful and I look forward to the visualization becoming a reality.

1 comment:

Eve said...

Sorry. But it makes me want to yell at them. But YOU definitely have the right mindset. I liked the dancing.

I found that, with my mom, there are some GREAT PT & OT's and then...Well. The day therapy she went to was fantastic. They really worked her and I think she was stronger then than she is now.

I will pray for your mental strength and perseverance. No apathy in the tiredness. Pray for you to connect with someone who is not afraid to help you move and believe in it happening.

I love you!