Thursday, August 28, 2008

MRI - Postponed.

A few things have to be done in order to be a candidate for the clinical trial, an updated MRI on the brain is one of them; this will be done on Friday morning at 8:30. Perhaps by the A.M. God will have gently removed the cancer cells for me? His healing has already been granted...who would I be to judge his divine timing? After 4 different attempts to get an IV working in my arm they've postponed the MRI. This test needs to be done with / and with out contrast and without a working IV this can not be done.


liz said...

It's me Liz, from CCC.
I don't understand. I'm overwhelmed. Do they know?
Okay, it's not about me...I'm just trying to sort this out.
Are you Janice with the California camp experience?
If so, your faith is strong and unwavering. I know you know God is faithful.

Jackie R. said...

Praying, praying, praying for you. Love you! Sending you hugs from far away :(

Sally said...

Hi Janice,..Big Hug.
In the world, there are many people suffer in many ways. I also suffer in my world of life. you also are apart of the world. However, everybody can control all things by themself. Just control inside your mind. You and I can do it if we what to.
Now, why don't we start say somethings out of it. Janice ..I love you and we are waiting you to come back to Thailand very soon.

NAT said...

My dear Janice,
It's me, Nat-SuperCamp Thailand. Always love you & worry about you and will pray for you. we're always be friend. You know how much I love you, right? Be strong and take care,Ok? I'll look forward to seeing you & Dan soon in Thailand