Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How can I be patient with God's timing when waiting 20 minutes (so far) for a nurse 8 steps from my room seems impossible? What does it really look like to be patient? Either I don't know or waiting on God is easier than waiting on man. Yes, that must have something to do with it. I trust God's good intentions and have no doubt that He cares and loves me, I can wait because I know He cares. I have a hard time seeing the care from the staff -- not all, just some. So patience with people is the real test. Extending patience for people who don't care about the same things I do; or even care about me. Lord, forgive me for not extending your grace to my thorns; you love them too.


Unknown said...

We pray for a speedy recovery for you. I know what you mean about the patience. All you can hope is that the staff is busy with someone else that needs them much more than you. I really think you should try the knitting. It can be a good stress reliever. I know this is much easier said than done, but try to stay strong in faith. I truly believe that sometimes, the possitive thinking helps with recovery. We are thinking of you and praying for you constantly! Damn it, just get better fast! We love you. Bobby and Denise

Aspen said...

Talk about patience, you always tell me you'll be back in 5 minutes and I don't see you for hours. And my dad says he's going to work and will be back soon, but he doesn't come back for hours, I think he's lying and going to play volleyball. Anyways, hope you get better soon. I miss you. I look forward to having you take me for walks. My dad doesn't walk me as much as you do. I haven't had a tick in a while so maybe you can help me find some.

Jules said...

Hi Janice-

I love you and miss you! I wish I could be there to give you a hug and share some laughs as we always do! I also struggle with patience at times, but I know that God has great plans for you!

I can't wait to see you in January--the beach is waiting for you!!! Please let me know if you need anything.

My prayers are with you!

Love, Julie

Eve said...

I was thinking about Aspen this week and thought how much he probably misses you and how much you probably miss Aspen.

I think you wrote in some part about running up and down the stairs at your place and taking walks with Aspen etc...I pray that all comes back around sooner than later. I'm glad you are getting some rehab now.

Tears flow but knowledge of the hope makes it not a futile venting but something that makes us human... When you do feel anger or frustration with the situation let it fuel your desire to rehab... those feelings can and do coexist with the belief and hope and knowledge of God's healing.

Sorry, I ramble...

I love you! ~Eve