Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Goal: Home.

The set goal is for me to go home next Tuesday. This excitement brings its own challenges. Being dependent on others for almost a month for mostly everything, what will this look like out of this environment? My lovely tri-level townhome is not wheelchair ready. With their goal of going home in a wheel chair I'm proclaiming that it is temporary. That's it for now. Update on going home: With much extended love from Cathy and her family they are setting up a room for me to have at her pad. This will be my home away from home. The hospital does not want me to be alone yet and being at her house will help in this transition. I am very thankful for the care that she's extended over these weeks and I'm forever grateful for her strength and energy to love me; unconditionally :)


Eve said...

Exciting! Challenging! I'm more than willing to come and help certain times or days of the week. I don't know what that looks like but, keep it in mind as you all figure out what is happening.

Lynne S said...

You sound so profound in your writings...I finally got around to reading them all today. I know He is listening to everyone's prayers, and He will answer them in His time. I think that once you get home, the "good vibes" will speed you to a full recovery. Love you, Lynne

Anne Black said...

I will help too, just say the word. I can also keep you at my house (lower level) if you need me at some point.


Janice Borndahl said...

Profound Lynne? That might be pushing it! LOL. (oh -- that means laughing out loud!)