Saturday, October 4, 2008

We Chose to Laugh.

Perhaps this is another "TMI" overshare ... still I hope it finds you laughing :) My "voids" are outside the realm of my control and this could be on account of new tumors growing (that's not the laughing part). With that, I believe that man has done all he can for me and this is where God takes over. This is not to say he hasn't been a part of mans work too...his hand is in all of this. More on that later. SO...the choosing to laugh. Last night after my attempt to "void", before getting my pj's on, in the quietness I was startled by a strange noise. "What's that noise?" I asked Cathy. It was me peeing in the commode! I didn't even know I was peeing! Hilarious! Who gets startled by the sound of their own pee!?! We just laughed.


carolyn said...

janice...not sure if you will receive this as i have never done this.....but you are my "hero"...and God's too.
Peace, dear janice. love
carolyn robinson pizzica

i will put you on our church's
prayer list.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the laugh! Love You!