Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Judge, A Critic & A Slanderer

First I thought I was judgemental -- I have an opinion about everything which comes from observation and therefore it must be correct. Then I thought, no I'm just critical -- which coincidentally also comes from my opinion which is based on observation and yes, therefore, it must also be correct. Unfortunately, I see that regardless of what I call myself, when I share my opinion with another if I deface the name of who I'm talking about I'm a slanderer. Slander, gossip, and the like are sins and unfortunately one that I've been very good at masking as just an opinion based on my observation. Having said all that, I'm prayerful that my eyes see the righteousness in those around me and stops expecting things to look a certain way ;) . In this season God's growing me up!!

1 comment:

Kelly M. said...

I'm here to thank Janice for pointing out my sin, calling it what it is and setting my feet on the path of repentance.
Thank you, Janice!
Rest Peacefully in the Arms of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Kelly M.