Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tonight: I cry.

Why? Is it because... my legs are lame, my "void" are annoyingly out of my control, my lower back is in pain with most movement, my hair is abandoning its relationship with my scalp, my swollen feet resemble something like water balloons, I have to reposition my wheelchair 4 times before I can reach something a foot in front of me, my face looks like a cherry tomato, (maybe not as red as I've been saying but it is pudgy!), my taste buds are fickle, my right eye needs to be patched at night so it doesn't dry out, my arms struggle to lift my 110lb body, most of my daily activity requires someones assistance? Tonight I cry because I'm human & in my humanity I still know that I'm created in the image of Jesus.


113 said...

My tears commingle with yours. It is my humanity that joins you. And our faith in Jesus gives us strength. Sending my love!!!

Eve said...

You have been heavy on my heart these last couple days. More so than others. I wish your burden could be dispersed between those of us who feel the same. Much love, some tears and a prayer for strength, peace, hope and healing.

Unknown said...

Janice, we will cry with you. And of course, many prayers. Just know you are loved and cared for in many many ways. Remember this, you must be very special as God only chooses those that are special to bear this burden.

Anonymous said...

I love you so much and it is in your humanity which I feel the love of God through you and with you.

"It is only when we are out of options that we are most ready for God's suprises." Max Lucado

lisa said...

Janice, I also cry with you. I left a phone message for you last week that, Bob Carla and I wanted to visit and pray with you,that you beat this and get back to our fun loving healthy Janice. Now I know why you were too busy to call back. I had no idea you had all this going on this week. God Please give Janice the strength she needs to battle this ( like youve been doing) and win! When you feel like you want 3 goofy visitors please let me know. Till then, I can see the fingerprints of God when I look at you! Love Lisa

chumby34 said...

Janice, my aquatic friend! Remember all the pool parties? I sure do & I have the pictures to prove it! I sure miss those days. We'll have to create new ones o.k.? Let me know when I can visit you. I'll bring all the nessicities (brownies, doritos, fries w/ranch & ice tea) Autumn & I love fries w/ranch & ranch with just about anything! Stay positive & strong. As always, you're in my thoughts & prayers. Love ya!

carolyn said...

again, i laughed and cried.
you are a true testimony of God
living in you. love and peace

Jan said...

I just love you, that's all.

Unknown said...

Janice, I have been thinking of you a lot lately and just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers. I often recall a discussion we had when we first met about the fruit of the spirit -love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. You are truly the embodiment of these! Cindy